The following device objects are deprecated and will be removed from the Phoenix 5 library in 2025. Users are encouraged to migrate to the Phoenix 6 library for deprecated devices.
- Pigeon2
- TalonFX
WPI/NI Software Integration
The stock software frameworks in the FRC control system has several features used by teams. To leverage these features, the C++ /Java Phoenix API has six additional classes:
The first three are wrappers for the Talon FX/SRX and Victor SPX, that provide:
LiveWindow support
Motor Safety features
Compatibility with DriveTrain classes
All six classes also provide support for the WPILib simulation GUI.
C++ / Java Drive Train classes
To leverage the Drive Train classes in WPILib:
Create your motor controller objects like normal.
Create the Drive object like normal.
Call setRightSideInverted(false) so that when moving forward, positive output is applied to left and right.
Adjust setInverted() so that motors cause robot to drive straight forward when stick is forward.
package frc.robot;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.*;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.drive.*;
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
WPI_TalonSRX _talonL = new WPI_TalonSRX(1);
WPI_TalonSRX _talonR = new WPI_TalonSRX(0);
DifferentialDrive _drive = new DifferentialDrive(_talonL, _talonR);
Joystick _joystick = new Joystick(0);
public void teleopInit() {
/* factory default values */
/* flip values so robot moves forward when stick-forward/LEDs-green */
_talonL.setInverted(false); // <<<<<< Adjust this
_talonR.setInverted(true); // <<<<<< Adjust this
* WPI drivetrain classes defaultly assume left and right are opposite. call
* this so we can apply + to both sides when moving forward. DO NOT CHANGE
public void teleopPeriodic() {
double xSpeed = _joystick.getRawAxis(1) * -1; // make forward stick positive
double zRotation = _joystick.getRawAxis(2); // WPI Drivetrain uses positive=> right
_drive.arcadeDrive(xSpeed, zRotation);
/* hold down btn1 to print stick values */
if (_joystick.getRawButton(1)) {
System.out.println("xSpeed:" + xSpeed + " zRotation:" + zRotation);
It is advantageous to setup Talon / Victors in this fashion so that positive (green) represents forward motion. This makes integrating the other control modes into your drive train simpler.
C++ / Java Motor Safety Feature
The Java classes WPI_TalonFX, WPI_TalonSRX, and WPI_VictorSPX all implement the motor safety interface.
The C++ classes WPI_TalonFX, WPI_TalonSRX, and WPI_VictorSPX do not inherent the motor safety abstract class, but they do implement the exact same routines. This means the same routines can be called on the Phoenix WPI objects.