
The following device objects are deprecated and will be removed from the Phoenix 5 library in 2025. Users are encouraged to migrate to the Phoenix 6 library for deprecated devices.

- Pigeon2
- TalonFX

Bring Up: Pigeon 2.0

Power Boot

Pigeon 2.0 measurements can be obtained immediately after boot.

Phoenix Tuner

Open Phoenix tuner and use the Self-test Snapshot feature to confirm values. Rotate IMU and confirm Yaw moves as expected.



There is a modernized version called Tuner X that is available for Windows and Android devices (works with Phoenix 5 and Phoenix Pro).


Moving counter-clockwise is interpreted as a positive change.

Pigeon API

Create a Pigeon 2 object in your robot application and poll the Yaw value.


Pigeon 2.0 uses a different class than Pigeon 1. It is named Pigeon2 instead of PigeonIMU.

import com.ctre.phoenix.sensors.Pigeon2;
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
    Pigeon2 _pigeon = new Pigeon2(0, "rio");
    int _loopCount = 0;

    public void teleopPeriodic() {
        if(_loopCount++ > 10)
            _loopCount = 0;
            double yaw = _pigeon.getYaw();
            System.out.println("Pigeon Yaw is: " + yaw);

Confirm that the output matches the Self-test Snapshot results.

If using LabVIEW plotter or SmartDash plotting, send the Yaw value into the plotted channel. Then confirm Yaw value provides a smooth curve while robot is rotated by hand.